Whale watching SA
South Africa is one of the best destinations worldwide for watching marine mammals, whether from land or from boats, with spectacular annual visits from southern right and humpback whales and enormous pods of dolphins year round.
Every year, s
outhern right whales migrate from their icy feeding grounds off Antarctica to warmer climates, reaching South Africa in June. The countrys coastal waters teem with the giant animals, mating, calving and rearing their young, and giving whale watchers spectacular displays of raw power and elegant water acrobatics.
The southern rights breeding ground is the sheltered bays of the Western Cape coast, with the majestic animals spending up to five months a year here. They pass their time playing, courting, and nursing their newborn calves, providing spectacular land based viewing.
The best time for watching the southern right whale in South African waters is from June to November along the Cape south coast, although some will already be as far north as KwaZulu Natal. Peak calving season is July and August, but whales can be seen through September and October. It might not be too late if you are interested.